The Seine is in the middle of Paris. Geographically, it is the central axis, consequence of the part which it played in the history of the city. Very early perceived like a territorial and economic asset major, it accompanies Parisian rise.
The construction of monuments in edge of the Seine supplemented the equipment already present. The quality of the site and its success are also measured with the number of monuments which were established near its course. Since the Eiffel Tower (7th) to the National Library of France (13th).
Almost each year, the bank roads are closed for a few days, even for several weeks, because the Seine overflows of its bed. The statue of the zouave of the bridge of Alma is usually used as den, for the Parisian ones, to supervise the rise of water of the Seine.
The summer tourists and Parisians ones can make bicycle or rollers on the bank roads.